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Huayi Electric Co., Ltd. and ABB hold Strategic Cooperation Agreement Signing Ceremony
2017-9-16 9:16:51             Share to:                    

In the afternoon, Aug. 23th, Strategic Cooperation Agreement Signing Ceremony of Huayi Electric Co., Ltd. and ABB was hold in Huayi comprehensive building first floor conference room. Huayi Electric Co., Ltd. Deputy General Manager Zhang Chuanyun, Chen Jianye, Chief Engineer Xu Leyan, Deputy General Manager of Huayi Transmission and Distribution Equipment Co., Ltd. Zhou Biyun, ABB China Electric Products Division Zhao Yongzhan, principal of power sales business unit Zhou Jiannong and other more than 20 people in person at the signing site, to witness the signing ceremony together.


Before the signing, the key personnel of Huayi Electric and ABB had a friendly talk, looked forward for good cooperation, exchanged views and reached a consensus on how to carry out further strengthen cooperation.

At the signing ceremony, Chen Jianye and Zhao Yongzhan respectively made important speech. Both leaders expressed good wishes for establishing long-term cooperation, both set up strategic cooperative partnership and will carry out further exchanges and cooperation in the fields of market research, technical cooperation, product development and marketing, work together side by side, grow together to create a win-win situation.


Finally, Chen Jianye and Zhao Yongzhan, respectively on behalf of the two sides signed a strategic cooperation agreement, the signing ceremony finished in a harmonious atmosphere successfully.

The signing marked the Huayi Electric and ABB establish a more solid strategic partnership, built a good foundation for Huayi Electric to achieve sustained and rapid development.
